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Wuyuan Chen

Hey, My name is Wuyuan Chen

A backend focused web developer learning to build fullstack web applications that leads to the success of the overall product

About Me Aspring engineering looking to become a fullstack developer.

Get to know me!

Hello, I'm Wuyuan, a backend software engineer with a passion for designing and optimizing systems to deliver efficient solutions. I've worked remotely fulltime, collabrated with teammates in different timezone, and lead development of various applications. My goal is to combine my technical skills and effective teamwork to create impactful products.

I'm a bit of a digital product junky. Over the years, I've used hundreds of web and mobile apps in different industries and verticals. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills


Projects Here you will find personal projects that I have done.

Software Screenshot


Jobflow is a fullstack web application build using React and Django. The idea is to streamlining the job search experience, specifically for software engineering positions. To do this, I am consolidating all the jobs into one place rather than going to various websites for job search.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Utility Tree

This is a static site build using Hugo. I created a Hugo theme, which allows customization through markdown files. The idea is to create Hugo templates so that it could be used by different needs.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Yundon Diary

Yundon Diary is a personal project build with Flutter. It is a fitness app that tracks push-up reps automatically using phone's proximity sensor.

Case Study

Contact Please email: wuyuanchen123@gmail.com